By the time you were two months you and mommy had settled into a nice little routine. I went back to work after my maternity leave for a few weeks and quickly decided to leave my job for the time being to focus 100% on raising you. I am so thankful that your daddy’s job in the Army allows me to stay at home right now. I really can’t imagine working, you require all of my energy and I don’t think I could balance both at this time. One day I plan to go back to work, but for now taking care of you is a full time job.
Being a stay at home mom was a bit of an adjustment. I had to find things to keep both you and I entertained. Just hanging in the house all day got quite boring for the both of us. You loved getting out of the house so we would take many trips to Target and the grocery store. Your eyes would light up and you would smile as I pushed you in the shopping cart. We also joined a playgroup with some of mommy’s friends in Colorado Springs and started a playgroup with mommy’s friends from high school with babies. We both loved getting out and seeing other babies and talking to other mommy’s going through the same joys and challenges of parenthood. Another part of our daily routine was taking Eros to the park to get his exercise. You loved hanging in your car seat and watching me throw the ball for Eros to fetch.
We found that the best way to sooth you when you were fussy was to bounce you on the edge of the bed. Most babies love being rocked but you loved being bounced. After hours of being cooped up in my room bouncing you I realized that I could get the same result if I bounced you on an exercise ball. It was a great discovery that allowed mommy to bounce you while watching TV with the rest of the family and it also saved the springs on our bed.
We also gave our first attempt at feeding you a bottle when you were 6 weeks old. To mommy’s dissatisfaction you rejected the new form of nourishment and much preferred getting your food straight from the source. You were a puristJ. We tried multiple bottle nipples but it was clearly not something you were ready for and since I did not have to go back to work I accepted the fact that you and I were going to be attached at the hip for the time being.
You also started to become more interactive at two months and I enjoyed finding things that would cause your arms and legs to move with excitement. You loved when I read you books, especially The Very Hungry Caterpillar and The Cat in the Hat. I also built your Lady Bug Activity Mat and you immediately fell in love with this apparatus. It was like being in a baby amusement park and provided you with hours of entertainment. Mommy also loved the “ladies” as I nick named the mat, because it allowed me to get things done around the house.
The first month of your life you hated baths with a passion but we tried again at two months and you fell in love with your tub! We created the “Kyle Spa Treatment” before you went to bed every night and it helped you fall asleep with ease. I would run a hot shower for a few minutes to steam up the bathroom and put your towel in the dryer to warm it while you were bathing and after you got a lotion massage. You loved the spa experience. It was one of, and still is, my favorite times of the day with you. You also started sleeping through the night at two months which was AMAZING! I was able to recharge on much needed sleep from the past few months and felt like a new person. While you became a great sleeper you were not the best napper. You thrive off of 4, 30 minute naps a day. This is challenging for mommy because I can’t get much done during your naps since they are so short, but since you sleep so well at night I can’t complain too much.
You had your first well baby exam at two months and weighed in at a healthy 12lbs 15ounces and were 23 inches long. You were in the 94th percentile for weight and 70th percentile for height. You also received your first round of vaccinations and did pretty well with the whole experience.
Life with you just kept getting easier and more joyful as you started developing you own personality and interacting with the world around you.
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